WHBP #19 - A Surplus of Dentists

by grolby

This week, Senior Technical Consultant/Correspondent Ian Schmidt tags in for mattio as we discuss the encroachment of MTB technology into road and cyclocross bikes. First up is a fairly detailed discussion about the pros and cons of road tubeless tires. Then we get all WHBP and wonder about the implications of all this new tech for cost and accessibility of the sport.

Episode Links

À bloc: Suspension in Cyclocross

VeloNews - Michelin waiting for ProTeams to come asking for tires

iTunes (Subscribe! Leave us a review!): The Workingman's Honest Bicycle Program

mattio Twitter: @_mattio

Greg Twitter: @grolby

Ian (our Technical Consultant and Correspondent!) Twitter: @gyenyame

Email us at honestbikeprogram@gmail.com

Music: "Life Before Wartime," by Maxwell's Demon