WHBP #13 - Almost Overlooked

by grolby

This week, we are joined by very special guest Frances Morrison to discuss #CXNOTS, the junior race debacle from the USA Cycling Cyclocross National Championships and pay equality for women in elite cycling. We have many links this week, which are not required for understanding but may interest our listeners. Find them at standarddouble.com/whbp/13.

Episode Links

Colin Reuter on the Junior Women's Championship debacle (be sure to read his follow-up post as well)

Helen Wyman: Pressing the Equality Button

Janel Holcomb and Robin Farina: The march toward equality doesn't have to be slow

iTunes (Subscribe! Leave us a review!): The Workingman's Honest Bicycle Program

mattio Twitter: @_mattio

Greg Twitter: @grolby

Frances Twitter: @Francestastic

Email us at honestbikeprogram@gmail.com

Music: "Life Before Wartime," by Maxwell's Demon